Reviving Straw Craft in Carmarthenshire
Written by Tir Coed / Monday 28 October 2024
During our activity week for the gardening course at Foothold in Llanelli, we had the opportunity to engage in a unique and endangered red-list craft - heritage straw craft.

A mindful and enjoyable creative exercise in itself, the session was also a chance to learn more about the rich history behind this ancient craft, once integral to our rural communities, now at risk of being forgotten.

Participants were introduced to the methods used in creating beautiful and functional objects from straw, a material that had been widely used for centuries but has seen a dramatic decline in practice due to modern materials and agricultural changes.
As part of the experience, we also explored the cultural significance of straw craft and its connection to the heritage wheat varieties that once flourished in the area.

After hands-on learning, participants took their newfound knowledge of this traditional craft and applied it in a practical way - by planting a raised bed with Maris Widgeon wheat, a heritage variety known for its suitability in thatching and crafting. This wheat will serve as a source of material for future straw craft activities and, in its own small way, also helps preserve the agricultural legacy of the region.
In growing our own wheat for next year, we aim to embed this endangered craft into our activity plan and share our skills with the local community. By engaging more people in straw craft, we hope to revive interest in both the art and the heritage wheat that supports it, ensuring its continuity.
This activity is funded by the UK government through Carmarthenshire County Council.