Digital Teaching
The Dysgu Digidol (Digital Learning) Pilot Project developed digital workbooks for two accredited outdoor learning courses. These form a part of Agored Cymru’s Learning in the Outdoors qualification and Tir Coed’s own Gofalu qualification. Tir Coed tested the digital workbooks using iPads with learners in woodland settings and learned how to manage associated assessment processes digitally. Evaluation was a significant aspect of the project and we worked with 20 Degrees Consultancy to evaluate the project.

Executive summary
The Dysgu Digidol (Digital Learning) Pilot Project received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.
The project developed digital workbooks for accredited outdoor learning courses and delivered 2 x 12 week training courses during which Tir Coed tested the digital workbooks and associated digital assessment.
A very steep learning curve for staff returning from furlough, a lack of digital expertise within the organisation, and a mainly negative response to using iPads and digital work books characterised the first course. However this was much improved by the second course after further training, skills sharing and integration of learning.
Project outcomes were very nearly all met. Positive outcomes for learners included wellbeing, health and social gains. Some learners responded well to the technology and some not so; the responses were as varied as the learners themselves.
Tir Coed continues to evaluate learning internally, disseminate learning externally and to research further digital options. It is expected that further investment, development and training will be required should the organisation decide on pursuing digital learning as standard. Using IT for monitoring purposes is, however, very likely.