Tir Coed connects people with land and woodlands by delivering outdoor training, learning and wellbeing programmes across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys
If you would like to find out more about the upcoming courses and activities visit the calendar.
Want to know what you can do with Tir Coed? Take a look at our catalogue Watch this film or visit our YouTube channel

Our aim
Thriving sustainable rural communities integrated with the natural environment.
To unlock the potential of land and woodlands to provide a community facility, educational and health activities, and to create job opportunities for disadvantaged individuals in rural Wales. With the aim to make positive lasting change.

Our model
Over the last 23 years Tir Coed have become experts on how best to engage people with land and woodland activities. The following model shows the theory of change our participants have progressed through time and time again:

Working with communities and land and woodlands since 1998

Our team

Co-CEO / Head of Operations
Co-CEO / Head of Finance

Quality & Accreditation Manager

Head of Communications

Head of Development
Associate Fundraiser

Training and Accreditation Co-ordinator
Finance Co-ordinator

Communications and Admin Officer

Project Admin Assistant

Ceredigion Mentor
Ceredigion Activity Leader

Ceredigion Activity Leader

Carmarthenshire Co-ordinator

Carmarthenshire Mentor

Carmarthenshire Activity Leader

Carmarthenshire Activity Leader
Pembrokeshire Coordinator

Pembrokeshire Mentor

Pembrokeshire Activity Leader

Pembrokeshire Activity Leader

Powys Co-ordinator (job share)

Powys Coordinator (job share)

Powys Mentor

Powys Activity Leader

Powys Activity Leader


Our Cynnig Cymraeg – Welsh Offer

Tir Coed is extremely proud of its Welsh roots. As an organisation, we are keen to actively connect and engage communities with our work through the use of the Welsh language. We operate bilingually in all areas of our work, and we are fully committed to continually developing and expanding our use of the language.
As part of our Cynnig Cymraeg / Welsh language offer:
You can:
- Participate in courses through the medium of Welsh*, and have access to supporting materials in Welsh or bilingually
- Contact us in Welsh by phone, email or via social media
- Speak Welsh with staff and volunteers who are wearing the orange ‘I speak Welsh’ badge
We will:
- Encourage our staff to use their Welsh language skills and give them the opportunity to learn
- Continue to maintain our fully bilingual website
*Where Welsh-speaking tutors are not available we can offer a translation service. We aim to expand our current provision.
We welcome feedback about our Welsh language provision so that we can continue to improve.