Celebrating 25 Years of Connecting People with the Outdoors

Written by Tir Coed / Dydd Mawrth 17 Medi 2024

Tir Coed Marks its 25 Year Anniversary with Events Across Four Counties

We are thrilled to be celebrating 25 years of connecting people with the outdoors for learning and wellbeing, empowering communities and transforming green spaces across rural mid and west Wales.

Since 1999, Tir Coed has been working to unlock the potential of land and woodlands to provide a community facility, educational and health activities, and to create job opportunities for disadvantaged individuals in rural Wales. With the aim to make positive lasting change.

To mark this milestone, we are hosting a series of special events across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys - the four counties we currently serve, bringing together the communities that have been at the heart of our work. These events will showcase the incredible achievements of the charity over the past two and a half decades.

Join us for an Open Day at Coed Tyllwyd, Ceredigion

To kick off our celebrations, we are hosting an open day at Coed Tyllwyd in Ceredigion, the county where we have been working the longest and our most established site, on Thursday, 26th September from 1pm to 3pm. This event will provide an opportunity to learn more about the work of Tir Coed, explore the woodland and hear stories about the incredible impact Tir Coed has had on people’s lives and the places that have been positively transformed by our many projects over the years.

The event will feature guided woodland walks, hands-on demonstrations of sustainable woodland skills and crafts and the chance to meet some of the team behind Tir Coed’s inspiring work. It will also be a wonderful opportunity for partners, supporters and the wider community to come together to celebrate a shared passion for the potential of the outdoors to create change and to look ahead to the next chapter of Tir Coed’s journey.

A Legacy of Positive Change

Since its inception in 1999, Tir Coed has engaged thousands of individuals in meaningful outdoor activities, offering training, support and personal development opportunities while enhancing biodiversity and restoring woodland spaces. From rural woodlands to urban green spaces, we have continuously expanded our reach, promoting sustainability and creating healthier, happier communities.

As we celebrate 25 years of this impactful work, we are reminded of the importance of nature in enhancing our wellbeing and strengthening our communities.

Join the Celebration

Everyone is welcome to attend Tir Coed’s anniversary events. We encourage you to visit our website or contact us directly for more information on how you can take part in this celebration of nature, learning and community.

Ffurflen Ymholiad

Bydd y ffurflen ar-lein hon yn eich galluogi i fynegi diddordeb gyda Tir Coed fel y gallwn eich cysylltu ag un o'n cyrsiau hyfforddi awyr agored neu weithgareddau lles. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth a ddarperir i gysylltu â chi i drafod y cyrsiau hyfforddi a/neu'r gweithgareddau lles sydd ar gael i chi a chwblhau'r broses gofrestru.

Diogelu Data a Chaniatâd

Bydd yr wybodaeth a gesglir ar y ffurflen hon yn cael ei chadw'n ddiogel ar system storio ar-lein Tir Coed yn unol â Chanllawiau Diogelu Data a'n Polisi Preifatrwydd.

Sylwch ein bod weithiau'n profi galw mawr am ein cyrsiau hyfforddi, felly yn anffodus, ni allwn sicrhau lle ar unwaith i chi ar gwrs hyfforddi.

Mae Tir Coed yn elusen gofrestredig (#1115229) a Chwmni Cyfyngedig (#03918116).
Tir Coed, Uned 6G Parc Gwyddoniaeth, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, SY23 3AH.

Beth yw:


Y newyddion diweddaraf o Tir Coed