Harvesting the Rewards of the Season

Written by Tir Coed / Dydd Mercher 25 Medi 2024

Please note: there is currently a delay with the Welsh translation. We are working hard to resolve this and the Welsh version will follow as soon as possible.

This year’s Sustainable Horticulture courses have successfully concluded across the four counties, with a whopping 36 individuals gaining accreditation across all sites!

Our Agored Cymru accredited course content covers a wide range of principles, including site assessment and soil management, propagation and planting for food growing, plant care and maintenance and harvesting and site management.

During the course, trainees help to create and maintain a community growing site for food production that also benefits wildlife. It gives participants a good knowledge of nature friendly gardening methods and organic growing techniques.

A feast was prepared by the group to celebrate the final day of the course, using produce grown, harvested and freshly prepared to create a colourful and wholesome array of dishes to share.

The courses have had a big impact on the trainees, who have reported gaining a wealth of knowledge and skills, meeting some lovely people in a beautiful and nurturing environment and since the start of the course feel improvement to their wellbeing, confidence and connection with others.

“The course has made a SIGNIFICANT difference to my mental wellbeing. A profound life changing course”

There have been some great outcomes with several trainees gaining employment in the sector, going onto further education or training and others continuing to build their skills and friendships by becoming active volunteers in their community gardens.

“Thanks for the opportunities, encouragement and support I have received at Tir Coed, I have managed to turn my life around for the better. I am now studying, employed and my mental health and over all wellbeing has improved and I have made new friends along the way too. I cannot thank you all enough”.

Ffurflen Ymholiad

Bydd y ffurflen ar-lein hon yn eich galluogi i fynegi diddordeb gyda Tir Coed fel y gallwn eich cysylltu ag un o'n cyrsiau hyfforddi awyr agored neu weithgareddau lles. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth a ddarperir i gysylltu â chi i drafod y cyrsiau hyfforddi a/neu'r gweithgareddau lles sydd ar gael i chi a chwblhau'r broses gofrestru.

Diogelu Data a Chaniatâd

Bydd yr wybodaeth a gesglir ar y ffurflen hon yn cael ei chadw'n ddiogel ar system storio ar-lein Tir Coed yn unol â Chanllawiau Diogelu Data a'n Polisi Preifatrwydd.

Sylwch ein bod weithiau'n profi galw mawr am ein cyrsiau hyfforddi, felly yn anffodus, ni allwn sicrhau lle ar unwaith i chi ar gwrs hyfforddi.

Mae Tir Coed yn elusen gofrestredig (#1115229) a Chwmni Cyfyngedig (#03918116).
Tir Coed, Uned 6G Parc Gwyddoniaeth, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, SY23 3AH.

Beth yw:


Y newyddion diweddaraf o Tir Coed