Powys LEAF Consultation Event

Written by Tir Coed / Dydd Mercher 06 Gorffennaf 2016

Tir Coed held its Powys consultation event on Wednesday 6th July
67 organisations were invited and over 25 people attended with a wide representation including kaleidoscope, Probation, Cais, Youth Justice Service, Siawns Teg, the Wallich, Radnorshire Wildlife Trust and Archers.

The event took place at the Elan Valley visitor centre. Martin Cope, Tir Coed Powys coordinator began by welcoming everyone to the event. Eluned Lewis Elan links project manager then gave a presentation on the large scale Heritage Lottery landscape partnership project summarising the 12 objectives and 27 projects. Ffion Farnell then presented the Tir Coed model and history of the charity before handing back to Martin who explained the activities available at the Elan Valley through the ‘Elan gives back’ project.


Following a short networking break the group then re-assembled in the exhibition room to undertake a workshop looking at the challenges of engaging groups across such a large county as Powys and how the Tir Coed provision would best be provided to different groups.

There was a fantastic energy throughout the event and it was a really supportive group of people. Thank you to everyone who attended and inputted into the next 5 years of Tir Coed Powys provision.

It was a pleasure to meet such a constructive, organised and well planned group of people and the round table discussion certainly brought out numerous helpful suggestions in regard the project - Kevin Etheridge, South Powys Kaleidoscope

Ffurflen Ymholiad

Bydd y ffurflen ar-lein hon yn eich galluogi i fynegi diddordeb gyda Tir Coed fel y gallwn eich cysylltu ag un o'n cyrsiau hyfforddi awyr agored neu weithgareddau lles. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth a ddarperir i gysylltu â chi i drafod y cyrsiau hyfforddi a/neu'r gweithgareddau lles sydd ar gael i chi a chwblhau'r broses gofrestru.

Diogelu Data a Chaniatâd

Bydd yr wybodaeth a gesglir ar y ffurflen hon yn cael ei chadw'n ddiogel ar system storio ar-lein Tir Coed yn unol â Chanllawiau Diogelu Data a'n Polisi Preifatrwydd.

Sylwch ein bod weithiau'n profi galw mawr am ein cyrsiau hyfforddi, felly yn anffodus, ni allwn sicrhau lle ar unwaith i chi ar gwrs hyfforddi.

Mae Tir Coed yn elusen gofrestredig (#1115229) a Chwmni Cyfyngedig (#03918116).
Tir Coed, Uned 6G Parc Gwyddoniaeth, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, SY23 3AH.

Beth yw:


Y newyddion diweddaraf o Tir Coed