
LEAF Pilot Training Course - Elan Valley

Tir Coed | 03/04/2017

The LEAF Pilot Training Course at Elan Valley are already half way through and have managed to complete various tasks at two different sites.

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HCT Trainees visit Coed Tyllwyd

Tir Coed | 17/03/2017

HCT Trainees came on a visit to Coed Tyllwy to see what training opportunities would be offered by the LEAF Pilot Project.

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Sustainable Woodland Management Course Begins, Coed Tyllwyd

Tir Coed | 01/03/2017

The first training course of the LEAF Pilot in Coed Tyllwyd is now underway, with trainees developing woodland skills, improving access and constructing a lean-to outdoor kitchen.

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Coed Tyllwyd Management Planning Meeting with NRW, Woodland Trust and Tir Coed

Tir Coed | 13/02/2017

Tir Coed, NRW and Woodland Trust staff joined forces to review the management strategies at Coed Tyllwyd and to develop a refreshed management plan for the years ahead.

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Initial Birmingham Steering Group Meeting – Elan Links Retreats

Tir Coed | 03/02/2017

The first steering group meeting was held last Friday 3rd February at YMCA Birmingham. It was a friendly and productive meeting to pave the way for retreat provision that best meets the need of hard to reach, marginalised and disadvantaged people in Birmingham.

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Tir Coed visit fantastic Woodland charity in East Anglia

Tir Coed | 23/01/2017

Tir Coed director, Ffion Farnell travelled to East Anglia to meet with Tom from Greenlight Trust who work across Suffolk and Norfolk.

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A Gathering of Ideas

Tir Coed | 19/01/2017

Talwrn, a network that Tir Coed has been involved with for over two years, held the first of two events 'A Gathering of Ideas' were held in Cardiff. Tir Coed went along to show their support.

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Tree Charter Professional Steering Group Meeting

Tir Coed | 19/01/2017

Tir Coed is a member of this Professional Steering Group, contributing towards the creation of a new Charter which will guide policy and practice in the UK, enabling a future in which trees and people stand stronger together.

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Tir Coed Tutor meeting

Tir Coed | 13/01/2017

Tir Coed Tutors braved the wintery weather to come together to celebrate the VINE project and launch the LEAF pilot project.

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Forest Learning Development Working Group (FLDWG)

Tir Coed | 11/01/2017

Tir Coed attended another interesting session with Forest Learning Development Working Groups, this time held at Birmingham University.

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Ffurflen Ymholiad

Bydd y ffurflen ar-lein hon yn eich galluogi i fynegi diddordeb gyda Tir Coed fel y gallwn eich cysylltu ag un o'n cyrsiau hyfforddi awyr agored neu weithgareddau lles. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth a ddarperir i gysylltu â chi i drafod y cyrsiau hyfforddi a/neu'r gweithgareddau lles sydd ar gael i chi a chwblhau'r broses gofrestru.

Diogelu Data a Chaniatâd

Bydd yr wybodaeth a gesglir ar y ffurflen hon yn cael ei chadw'n ddiogel ar system storio ar-lein Tir Coed yn unol â Chanllawiau Diogelu Data a'n Polisi Preifatrwydd.

Sylwch ein bod weithiau'n profi galw mawr am ein cyrsiau hyfforddi, felly yn anffodus, ni allwn sicrhau lle ar unwaith i chi ar gwrs hyfforddi.

Mae Tir Coed yn elusen gofrestredig (#1115229) a Chwmni Cyfyngedig (#03918116).
Tir Coed, Uned 6G Parc Gwyddoniaeth, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, SY23 3AH.

Beth yw:


Y newyddion diweddaraf o Tir Coed